Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fitness Challenge #1

This is our first week of challenges on Fitness Towards Healthiness.

With all the challenges, we will start off slowly and build our way up each week.

For many of you, this may be the first time in a long time that you've actually started an exercise regimen and it may be intimidating. Just remember, it starts with the first baby steps towards a healthier you. It doesn't happen overnight!

So. . .with that being said, here is my challenge for you this week:

Walk x1 per day for 3 days this week:

1. Day 1 - Walk for 20 minutes, 1 mile minimum

2. Day 2 - Walk for 25 minutes - goal is 1 1/4 mile

3. Day 3 - Walk for 30 minutes - goal is 1 1/2 mile

If you are unable to walk the specified distance, it's okay. but please try to walk the amount of time specified.

If you have health or physical restrictions/limitations, please consult your doctor before attempting any exercise regimen.

As in any challenge, if you want to extend yourself further than what is stated in the challenge, please feel free to do so. You may walk farther or longer . . .the goal is to get off of your chair and get going!!

Together we can accomplish our fitness goals if we stick it out and support one another.

Please comment on the wall when you have completed the challenge and tell us your experience. If you could not complete the challenge, it's okay. . .tell us what prevented you from completing it, the obstacles or limitations.

Hope you'll join the challenge!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi MAria, I am DAlys from Panama, Central America, I am a big fan of yr craft creatins, and now I become fan of your fitness blog. I found i recently so I missed the first challenge. I have started two weeks ago to work out at 4.30 am, 30 to 45 minutes 5 days a week, and when times give me the chance i try to walk in the social area of the building I live. I have 25 extra pounds left from my pregnancy (excuses because my babygirl is 3 alreday bla bla bla), anyways you will see me around often. I missed the walking challenge but i can get in the next ones. rgds, dalys (my blog is and my email

Marilyn Peter said...

Hi Maria, I'm from Austalia and have just found your craft blog, which I LOVE and now your fitness blog. I'm in desperate need of some motivation and help to get fit and loose a lot of weight. Don't know if I can keep up with it all but I will certainly try. I have a lot of health issues and they are mainly related to my weight so....starting tomorrow I will get off my rear end and start on challenge #1. This is just what I need. Thank you!



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